hello there!
I’m Shang Long Yeo, an Assistant Professor with the Centre for Biomedical Ethics at the National University of Singapore (NUS), with a joint appointment at the Department of Philosophy. Previously I was a senior tutor at NUS, and completed an NUS Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship at Monash University in 2023. I received my PhD in philosophy from the Australian National University in 2020, and a BA(Hons) in philosophy and economics from NUS in 2015. My work is generally in moral and political philosophy. My current research interests include: the reliability of moral judgments and its implications for policy and practice, the ethics of nudging, and how philosophy, politics, and economics interact to inform public policy.
In my spare time, I design and illustrate things. My assigned Harry Potter house is Slytherin (I do not identify with this), and my assigned Patronus is a fox terrier (I do identify with this).
Feel free to get in touch at shanglong@nus.edu.sg